Why it’s Important that Your Windows Are Clean

Every morning you wake up and look through your windows, but have you ever thought about the condition of the frame and glass? We often take our windows for granted, but if you want them to last, you must take proper care of them. Here are some tips for maintaining your windows:

Enjoy a Better View

Imagine waking up in the morning and looking out your window at the rising sun. It’s beautiful; but all you can focus on is your filthy windows. We have all been there, yet we continue to put off cleaning our windows. Maybe your temporary fix is pulling down the blinds, but if you put off window cleaning for too long, your windows can become permanently damaged.

Clean windows make for a happy homeowner. We love looking outside at our freshly-mown lawn and beautiful trees, but you cannot truly enjoy the view if your windows are filthy. Clean windows also allow more light to enter your windows which can uplift your spirits and help you feel more awake.

Lengthen the Lifespan of Your Windows

Windows that are not cleaned regularly have a higher risk of etching, which weakens the glass. The weakened glass is then very fragile and can easily shatter. Etching is caused by several factors, depending on your geological location. Sand, salt, bark, sap and hard water are a few of the main factors that can cause etching. If you want to increase the lifespan of your windows, it is best that you clean them regularly.

Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal and Value

Planning on selling your house in the future? According to Money Magazine, having clean windows is the number one presale improvement that also generates the best return on investment. Planning on staying put? Whether you are planning to sell your home or not, clean windows have the additional benefit of improving the curb appeal of your home.

How to Clean the Exterior of Your Windowsexterior window cleaning

We have established that cleaning your windows is important, but you may be wondering how to get started. Here are some helpful tips on residential window cleaning:

  • Don’t scratch your glass! Before you begin, it is important that you first remove the built-up dust on your windows to ensure you do not scratch the glass when applying pressure.
  • Be careful with home window cleaner. Strong window cleaning solutions can do damage to paintwork surrounding your window, so be very cautious when handling these window cleaners.
  • Use a squeegee. Remove the water from your window with a clean, dry squeegee blade. It is important to make sure your squeegee is always kept dry to prevent it from smearing the glass.
  • Hire a trusted professional. Hiring a trusted professional will ensure that your windows are properly cleaned every single time. It will also save you the time and stress of cleaning your own windows.

Imagine looking out your windows and being able to see clearly. Enjoy a better view, let more light into your home, and boost your home’s curb appeal and value by keeping your windows clean. Let our experienced professionals take care of it for you and contact us today for a free window cleaning estimate!

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